20 Apr Can you get gas delivered?
When we all started driving we were told to make sure our vehicles had a full tank of gas. And if you’re like me, I usually head to the pump when I’m at 1/4- 1/8 of a tank. But we all make mistakes. There are times I’ve gotten preoccupied and forgot to check the tank, needing an urgent run to the gas station pump. These days most of us are getting three weeks to the gallon #AmIright? And there’s more reason to be curious about getting fuel delivered than just about running out.
Personal safety is important. On the one hand, if you drive on an empty tank you run the risk of overheating your fuel injectors or clogging fuel filters. On the other hand, do you really want to go to the gas station right now?
Can you get gas delivered?
Thank goodness there are options for you when you run out of gas. No one wants to be stranded on the side of the road, and in our current times, we have to weigh our options of heading to the gas station as well. We hope to give you some information that will help you stay safe and help you get on your way quickly and efficiently. First, we’re going to discuss whether Uber will deliver gas to stranded drivers. We’ll also do a deep dive into all of your options to have gas delivered. And then, we’ll talk about if your car will turn on if it has no gasoline. So, please keep reading and remember, keep all of the contact information you need for roadside service in a safe place so that you’ll have it in a pinch.
Will Uber bring you gas?
In these times companies like Uber and their food delivery service, Uber Eats, have expanded their options. You can get just about anything delivered to your doorstep. And thankfully so, it’s nice to take a break from cooking all our quarantine meals.
Unfortunately, though, ride-hailing companies and food delivery companies do not deliver gas to a stalled driver. However, there are other ways to get gasoline delivered to you. We listed a few of the services that will deliver your gas below.
Locations you can call to bring you gas.
Even knowing that there are companies out there to help if you’d run out of gas, you should still consider going to the pump, and checking your fuel tank before heading out. Gas delivery because of the pandemic is one question, but being stranded on the side of the road because you ran out of gas can be dangerous. We’ll explain the fastest and most budget-friendly ways to get help. Below are a few of those options.
- Pre-paid Membership of Roadside Assistance
We all know the infamous AAA or other insurance companies like Allstate, USAA or Geico who all offer a pre-paid roadside assistance membership which often includes fuel delivery. These memberships can range from $52 for your most basic to over $119 on an annual basis. Your out-of-fuel service options can vary depending on the type of plan you have. Beware though, you’ll have to sign up for this ahead of time whether you use it or not, and many plan levels will make you pay an extra fee for the fuel itself.
- Local gas stations
Some local gas stations that have towing services will have fuel delivery as an option. You’ll have to google to find the closest gas station to your location. Be aware that there may not be a gas station close to you, however. So, it may be safer for you to call another form of roadside assistance such as a non-membership roadside assistance company. The prices for this can vary but often can run you over $100-a-pop.
- Free Membership Roadside Assistance
Mach1 is an on-demand roadside assistance company that doesn’t charge a membership fee for gas delivery. You can contact them via their mobile phone app to get gas delivered whether you’re stranded or just want to fill up at home. Prices range from $45- $60 and you only have to pay when you need it. Because they connect you directly to vetted providers, you can contact the provider directly to request more than two gallons. The provider is automatically dispatched to you based on who is the closest to you, making your wait time significantly less. You’ll also be able to see the providers location on a map as he drives to your location. Other services offered range from flat tires, help with dead batteries through mobile mechanic services and even help when you accidentally lock your keys in the car.
- State roadside assistance
States such as Indiana and Michigan offer roadside assistance for stranded drivers, but only in some areas. Indiana’s Hoosier Helpers will deliver fuel to stranded drives in central, northwest and southern Indiana. And Michigan’s Freeway Courtesy Patrol will deliver fuel, oil and other system fluids to stranded drivers in southeast Michigan and beyond. Check to see if your state has a courtesy patrol before you leave for that long driving trip. If they do offer roadside service, keep their phone number in a safe place. You may want to check ahead of time for their fees, as some times they’ll just dispatch a provider and you’ll get the bill.
- Cellphone roadside assistance
Verizon will bring you up to three free gallons of gas if you choose the roadside assistance option when you sign up for a phone contract. The cell phone provider charges $3 per month for each phone on the account and you pay whether you use the service or not. They use a manual dispatch option which can make wait times exceedingly long.
Will your car turn out without gas?
Yes, you’ll still be able to turn on the electronics, but then you’ll have a bigger problem on your hands if your battery runs dry. So, unless you need to charge your phone in order to call for help, it’s a good idea to turn the car off. And, don’t worry, your emergency flashers will stay on even if the car is turned off. But, if you don’t know what to do when your car runs out of gas, check out our article on the 5 things you can do when your car runs out of gas on the highway.
Going for a drive to get out of the house.
These days many of us are staying home to stay safe and our only option to get out is to go for a drive. It’s a good idea to plan ahead as best we can if we’re going to do this. Creating a free Mach1 account for fuel delivery or other roadside assistance needs takes less than two minutes and is worth your while.
Final thoughts
We keep hearing these are uncertain times. But there are things we can control. We can control how we save our money but switching from a pre-paid membership to a free one that has even better benefits. We can consider all our options and be smart and savvy consumers. We can make decisions that protect our family, friends, and even colleagues. We can get out for a drive to take a break from our own four walls. We can plan for the unexpected for our vehicles. And we can remember we are more connected now in new ways than we’ve ever been. Stay safe and safe travels!