27 Sep All Mach1 Service Providers are eligible for cash back rewards!
All Mach1 Service Providers are eligible for cash back rewards!
We believe in the fair treatment of our Service Providers. Many companies only pay flat fee’s or haggle prices with service providers. Not at Mach1. We feel there’s a lot to be done to improve the way service providers are treated in the roadside assistance industry. It’s because of this that we offer a rewards program.
For every 100 service calls a provider takes, they get a $25 bonus. They can also earn cash through outstanding service, which is rated by the customers in the app. When a Service Provider gets 25 five star ratings in a row they get a $25 bonus.
Option 1:
100 service calls = $25 Bonus
Option 2:
25 five-star ratings in a row = $25 Bonus
Additional features
In addition to our rewards program, we’ve put together some great features that will help you maximize your time on the road.
Check them out in this comparison chart below.
If you’re interested in becoming a Mach1 Service Provider or to speak with someone about the Mach1 opportunity, please click here. Full registration coming soon.